19 September 2024

Decoding AI Sector’s Union Budget 2024 Wishlist for a Technological Renaissance

The Union Budget plays a crucial role in shaping the economic landscape of a country. With the rapid advancement of technology, the Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector has emerged as a key player in driving innovation and growth. As we approach Union Budget 2024, there are several expectations and wishlist items from the AI sector to accelerate its growth and foster a technological renaissance.

Investment in Research and Development

One of the primary requirements for the AI sector is increased investment in research and development (R&D). AI is a rapidly evolving field, and continuous innovation is necessary to stay competitive. The Union Budget should allocate funds to support R&D initiatives, encourage collaboration between academia and industry, and promote the development of cutting-edge AI technologies.

Infrastructure Development

In order to harness the full potential of AI, a robust infrastructure is essential. The Union Budget should allocate funds for the development of AI-focused infrastructure, such as high-performance computing facilities, data centers, and cloud computing infrastructure. This will provide the necessary foundation for AI companies to scale their operations and drive innovation.

Skill Development and Talent Acquisition

The AI sector requires a skilled workforce to drive innovation and growth. The Union Budget should focus on skill development programs and initiatives that equip individuals with the necessary AI skills. Additionally, measures should be taken to attract and retain AI talent, such as tax incentives for AI professionals and streamlined visa processes for international talent.

Support for Startups and Entrepreneurship

The AI sector is heavily driven by startups and entrepreneurial ventures. The Union Budget should introduce measures to support AI startups, such as tax incentives, access to funding, and simplified regulatory frameworks. This will encourage the growth of AI startups and foster an ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship.

Data Privacy and Security

As AI relies heavily on data, ensuring data privacy and security is of utmost importance. The Union Budget should allocate resources to strengthen data protection laws and regulations. Additionally, measures should be taken to promote responsible AI practices and establish frameworks for ethical AI development and deployment.

Collaboration with Industry and International Partners

The AI sector thrives on collaboration and partnerships. The Union Budget should encourage collaboration between AI companies, industry associations, and research institutions. Furthermore, efforts should be made to foster international collaborations and partnerships to leverage global expertise and resources in the field of AI.

Encouraging AI Adoption in Government Services

The government can lead by example by adopting AI technologies in its own services. The Union Budget should allocate funds for the implementation of AI solutions in government departments and agencies. This will not only improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government services but also demonstrate the potential of AI to the wider public.

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Promotion of AI in Key Sectors

The Union Budget should identify key sectors where AI can have a transformative impact and allocate funds accordingly. Sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, transportation, and manufacturing can greatly benefit from AI technologies. By promoting AI adoption in these sectors, the government can drive economic growth and improve the quality of life for its citizens.


The AI sector holds immense potential to drive technological advancements and economic growth. The Union Budget 2024 presents an opportunity to support and nurture the AI sector through strategic investments, infrastructure development, skill enhancement, and policy reforms. By addressing the wishlist items of the AI sector, the government can pave the way for a technological renaissance and position India as a global leader in AI innovation.

Vishal Pandey

Vishal Pandey is a respected finance and insurance adviser at LIC (Life Insurance Corporation) with a proven track record of providing personalized financial guidance. As a Finance author, they excel in translating intricate financial concepts into accessible content. Specializing in insurance planning, investment strategies, and retirement planning, and empowers readers through their acclaimed books, articles, and engaging public speaking. Their philosophy centers on making financial empowerment attainable for everyone, fostering a practical approach to building a secure financial future. Connect with me for valuable insights and guidance in navigating the complexities of finance.

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